
Sports1.1.        Soccer – Indoor soccer continues to grow and the Indoor sports centre was renovated in order to meet the high demand from soccer teams and social clubs.


1.2.        Volleyball - The PCC assisted to launch the Phoenix Volleyball Association which accommodates various schools from Phoenix and surrounding areas of Kwa Mashu and Inanda as well as adults from various volleyball clubs. PCC has pledged to assist the association with volleyball tournaments and development programmes aimed at schools.


1.3.         Netball – Over the last 30 years, netball emerged as one of the most vibrant sports amongst women and numerous clubs were formed to participate in tournaments in the Phoenix and surrounding region. However, over the last few years the momentum crested by the organisers have slowed down considerably. Steps are being taken to revive many of the teams and re launch an association for netball players and teams.


  1. Youth Leadership

2.1.         Global Exchange Students

Global Exchange, an international agency involved in community development work allocated two young women to assist the PCC with the development of a youth leadership training programme over a one month period. The students managed to assist with the development of an initial framework for training of young people and the programme is being further developed and expanded in 2010/2011 when the Global Exchange programme is set to continue with the arrival of new students.




2.2.     Youth in Dialogue – Shared History

In September 2009, the PCC together with Phoenix Child Welfare Society participated in a dynamic programme aimed at young people from secondary schools. About 30 learners from various schools in Phoenix participated in a two day workshop which was co ordinated by Ms Punith Roy from New Delhi. The programme which was highly interactive focused training young people to become community leaders and successful individuals in society. This programme was repeated in 2010 under the theme “Being Human” and is set to continue over the next few years.


2.3.        Formation of Youth Organisation

As part of our work with young people, the PCC adopted a proposal to facilitate the development of a broad based youth structure that would bring together leaders from various races, cultures, religious groups from various geographic areas. The youth structure is to operate under the wing of the PCC and assist to run various programmes and projects aimed at young people.